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Visitors with a child at smile community Centre children's home


We educate orphaned and vulnerable children under our care.

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We feed in house children daily and run a feeding program.

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We give children a chance to pursue their sporting talents.

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Soweto,Kayole,Eastlands of Nairobi where our children's home is located

Nairobi’s informal settlements Soweto,Kayole,Eastlands of Nairobi where our children’s home is located

Giving a smile to orphaned, destitute and vulnerable children

Smile Community Centre children’s home is a safe haven for orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children in the informal settlements of Soweto, Kayole in Nairobi, Kenya. If you have time, know more about us or check us out later by bookmarking this page.

Through working with the community members, local chief and police, we rescue abandoned, orphaned and vulnerable children. What motivates us is that we have seen lives being transformed. We have real life stories of children rescued by us. We have also seen children who we support move from slums to university and some of them are now working.

The children under our care need support and resources to offer them shelter on our rented space, food, education and medication.

Every bit of your donation works. There are immeasurable blessings and sense of fulfillment which comes through doing charity. That’s why we have never stopped our charity missions. Our goal is to contribute our knowledge, skills and resources towards a blazing future of orphaned and vulnerable children under our care. Donate Now . Are you thinking about visiting our home? Do not hesitate to Whats App or Call us on +254721318869

Our founder Margret is a lady filled with vigor to help as many kids as possible…

At the heart of Kayole’s Soweto slum is Smile community centre children’s home in Nairobi which is a beacon of hope to a lot of street children. It currently shelters at most 85 orphaned and vulnerable children and it often extends its hands to the rest of the street kids through a feeding program that targets over 300 children since it cant host more due to a shortage of space and resources. And just like a ship it has a captain to stair it to the promised land.

The most comforting bit of Smile community center is that it’s founder is a lady filled with vigor to help as many kids as possible .Margaret Nekesa is the lady behind the wheel and as they say you just don’t start something and wait for it to blossom.She is a spiritual lady who believes that there’s always a reason behind everything and anything. For Margaret it didn’t just pop up, it was a build up of life events she encountered from childhood…

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Margret walking with children in Soweto

Our feeding program targets needy children in Kayole,Soweto and it's environs

Malnutrition affects many children in informal settlements; our seasoned feeding program which is supported by well wishers also involves other children’s homes in Kayole,Donholm and Soweto.We would love to carry regular feeding programs however we face a challenge of lack of enough resources.

Are you looking for a children’s home to support ?

Are you an organization or individual interested to carry out a feeding program with us? Do you have food to support children’s feeding programs? If you are looking for a children’s home in Kayole,Soweto or near Donholm, do not hesitate to contact us now on ways we can work together.

VISITOR’S COMMENTS Source : Google reviews

Such a beautiful place with beautiful people. From the management, to the kids here❤️. So much love. More donors and well wishers would work magic for each and every soul that is need.
Thank you soo much Sheila, Peter and Mum for the amazing welcome I have received as a volunteer

Ruth Kamau


We did a CSR as AFC fans Kayole branch and I can delightfully say that it was quite an encounter. Good reception and gestures from the staff and the children as well. Quite interactive session we had at the center. Otherwise, the place is so remote and in slam areas of Soweto. I plea for any assistance whatsoever from anyone willing to touch the lives of the innocent angels at the center.

Hawkins Isabwa


When you visit this place you will learn to appreciate life and your parents too for choosing to bring you up. No matter how much small you are willing to give…these kids need it because it will make a difference and put a smile on them.

Maureen Syokau

Supporter, Friend of Smile



We welcome you to volunteer your skills and knowledge in order to promote positive growth in our community.